Monday 21 October 2013

A French gift from China!

This morning, after ten long day's away my fiancé FINALLY arrived home from a trip to China, much to my excitement and relief.  
As much as I love having a bit of time to catch up with my friends and do some vital primping and preening I miss him so much, so, waking up to the front door being opened I literally leapt out of bed! Unbeknown to him I had taken the day off as holiday for a surprise so that we could have a day together.  

No sooner had he returned, he produced a pile of Chinese gifts and some tasty treats and then a slightly less Chinese Diorshow Extase Mascara! I had never used this one before so I was excited to try it out. 

As you know I'm getting married next April in Indonesia and I'm already getting slightly worried about how I am going to look like a non sweaty bride in the heat and humidity! I have started trialling a few waterproof mascaras as I definitely think this will be the safest option what with definite tears and potential sweat (oh no!).

Anyway, I couldn't not blog about this Dior mascara and it's my first ever beauty review so thought I'd give it a go! I have always been such a huge fan of Dior mascaras and have always used Dior Show "New Look" as I love the small flexible brush it has and the way it separates and elongates my lashes. It's other benefit is that it lasts for so long, it's just run out after multiple daily use for about 7 months. 

Diorshow "Extase" has a much larger brush with an alternating tiered effect. I don't usually get on with larger brushes as I tend to have a sudden lack of control with them and end up poking myself in the eye so I was a little dubious with the size of this brush. However, as soon as I begun to apply the mascara to my eyelashes I saw an instant transformation. 

Before and After with Diorshow Extase mascara 
You definitely have to work with the brush to get the right angle for you, but it was very easy to use and there was a lot of mascara on the brush so I only needed one coat which is very rare for me! The brush combed through my lashes well and separated them without clumping them together and I do think that they seemed more curled than usual without having used any curlers. 

After a full days wear, a long tube ride and a gym session I have to say that I was really impressed with the Extase, it literally hadn't budged. Normally I do have (at the very least) a creeping black shadow of mascara (esp after a gym sesh), but nada, nothing at all. That's not to say that I'm now going to risk it and use it as my wedding mascara because I am bound to be doomed.

Top left, without mascara and the rest of the photos are with mascara. The final photo (bottom right) is with eyeliner, fully made up.
I do still love the Diorshow "New Look" slightly more- just because of the flexible and slightly more controllable small brush but for those who love bigger brushes this one's definitely for you.

It any one does know any industrial strength (preferably waterproof), volumising, elongating mascara that would work with blood, sweat and tears I would LOVE to hear about it! I am going to trial the Loreal "Lash Architect 4D Waterproof Mascara"  tomorrow as I picked it up the other day and have read good things on other blogs so I hope to blog about it's "hopeful" success later in the week! 

Emi x  


  1. This looks amazing on you! How does it compare to the Loreal telescopic? :)

  2. Thank you so much for commenting! I definitely think it gives a better curl and thickness to the lash than the Loreal Telescopic. But having said that I do LOVE the Telescopic especially for separating, elongating and combing through your lashes. I also definitely prefer the price of the Telescopic ;0) X

  3. Thank you! I will have to give both a try! :)

  4. Great to see you with perfect look, also looking forward you from here keep continue sharing.

    Gifts Personalised

    1. Thank you so much for commenting! I've been a little bad at blogging recently but have a few new ones ready to post! x x
