Wednesday 6 November 2013

You'll find it [S]hard to get a better view!

Every year to date we join thousands of others to attend some of London's best firework displays. They never fail to disappoint albeit sometimes being so busy you can barely move, or cold and rainy, or even just darn expensive! However, this year we decided to do something completely different, away from the madding crowds.
In Feb this year, for Valentine's Day I bought P two tickets to go up The Shard to the viewing point on the 68th - 72nd floor. We have been meaning to go for months but have wanted it to be the perfect occasion. Then on Monday afternoon whilst sitting at my office desk I had a Eureka (!) moment and decided to try and book The Shard for the 5 November.
Thinking that the whole world would have had the same idea I logged in and to my amazement was able to book a 7:30 pm slot.

Getting to The Shard was super easy as we literally followed the sign posts out of London Bridge station- which itself is at the foot of The Shard. No queues, a quick bag scan (a bit like a quick version of Airport security) and we were on our ear popping way up in the lift.

We first started in the viewing room which was warm and dark. The views were unbelievable, there was just so much to see and so many vivid colours. There were fireworks going off at every angle so we found ourselves darting from side to side to try and see as much as possible. Capturing it all on my iphone was difficult and didn't do the whole experience justice, but it really was a spectaular show all over London.


We then wandered up the stairs to the next viewing floor which was outside and absolutely freezing but very romantic. There were so many couples, huddled together oo'ing and ahh'ing at the dazzling displays. I imagine there are a lot of rings popped on a lot of fingers up here!


We had such an amazing time that we are now desperate to try and get a table at one of the restaurants for New Years Eve, just imagine watching the firework display over the London Eye, that would be a truly incredible way to welcome 2014 and the countdown to our wedding!

Back on level ground we exited The Shard desperate to go back and see it all again, I really do urge everyone to go, you will not be disappointed!

Have you been to The Shard?

Emi x

All photo's taken on my IPhone 5. 

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